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Superhype is now Microsoft Bing Ads Accredited! Yes, we feel extremely happy and proud.

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Our excellence in the digital advertising world has been recognized yet again! Superhype is now a Bing Ads Accredited Professional Company!

This stamp of approval from a very renowned and reputed accreditation body positions our company as an expert in managing Bing ad campaigns for our clients. It demonstrates our thorough understanding of the online advertising marketplace, and our ability to make the most of clients’ search and pay per click campaigns.

By qualifying for accreditation, we have earned a listing in Bing’s Accredited Professional Membership Directory and in the Find a Pro Directory. An inclusion in these directories widens our scope of connecting with potential clients.

superhype digital microsoft accreditation certificate

We have worked hard to meet the qualifications to earn this distinction. To become a certified Bing Ads Partner we went through hours and hours of training, passed tests and demonstrated our experience through meeting budget requirements of our clients Bing Ads accounts. Bing Ads Accredited professional program comprises of 30 extensive training modules, covering numerous aspects of Bing Ads along and search marketing, followed by an exam at the end.

This qualification has earned Superhype a listing in Bing's Accredited Professional Membership Directory, which not only exhibits our in-depth understanding of the online advertising marketplace and pay per click (PPC) campaigns, but also widens our scope of connecting with prospective clients worldwide.

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